Audio Samples
Video Samples
(* Red Fonts = Link for more info)
- Eki Abrams
- The Aerie
- Albert Lerner Trio
- Alchimia
- Alkali Earth
- The Almost Faithful
- Kevin Almeida
- Amandala
- Amin
- AnnaMercury
- Apehead
- A Ting a Beauty
- Atomic Bride
- Bad Breaks
- Ball Bag
- The Bang-Up Jobs
- Lincoln Barr
- Base Crazies
- The Bears Upstairs
- Luke Beetham
- Steve Bergstrom
- Mike Biskup
- Blue Glass
- Boohmsai
- Box
- John Browne
- Jake Bugg (Live at Silver Platters)
- Centerpiece
- Certain Inertia
- Dylan Chalk
- Megan Chenovick
- Christa Says Yay
- Chase Christie
- Chimp
- Chkbns
- The Civilians
- Georgia Clark
- Jill Cohn
- Land Cole
- Tamara Coleman
- Compass Points North
- Complete Air
- The Confetti Kids
- Dave Cosnowski
- The Course
- Ciaran Coyne
- Crashdown Butterfly
- Crawler
- Crazy Eyes
- Dane Vance Creek
- Gregg Curry & Ragged Glory
- Dangerbird
- Dangerfield Newby
- Dapper Jones
- Day Laborers & Petty Intellectuals
- Fiona Dawn
- Dead River
- Christopher Deckard
- Left Up Right
- Wilber Leon
- Levels
- Deer Venom
- The Devil Bores Me
- Joe Dragovich
- Dreamcatchr
- Mike Dumovich
- Dune Viper
- Echo Texture
- Electric NoNo
- Elia
- Emergency Volcano Evacuation Route
- Estocar
- Ever So Android
- Kevin Fallon
- Carl Faucher
- The Fentons
- The Finger Guns
- Four Fathoms
- Four Lights
- Foxhole Norman
- Carl Funk
- George Galvez
- The Gentlemen of Leisure
- Glaciers on the Moon
- gloryBots
- Gray Area
- Greenriver Thrillers
- Ghost Pains
- Goodwin
- Jason Groce & the Joy Tyrants
- Guest Directors
- Half Kingdom
- Angela Hammontree
- Harris Face
- Hel Mary
- Hemlock Pop
- Sarah Hernacki
- Hillbilly Jesus
- The Hilltalks
- The Horse Thieves
- Hotel Stella
- Hourglasses
- Hurricane Chaser
- Ice Teeth
- The I Love Myselfs
- Internal Error
- I Was Omnipotent
- Devlan James
- The Jilly Rizzo
- Casey Jones
- Kijung Jun
- Gary King
- Kiro Skiro
- Jeff Kanzler
- Kid Leather
- King County Queens
- Kingswood Estate
- Kladruby Gold
- Klaw
- Koldun
- Kotlovan
- Brandon Krebs
- Life Vest
- Lilac Season
- Lindseys
- Lights From Space
- The Loveless Building
- Lost Baggage
- Luca
- Brent Lyons
- McArthur Park
- Tim McBride & The Divide
- Mike Mickelson
- Mirror Ferrari
- Moped Genius
- Scott Muhlbeir
- Sara Neal
- New Drugs
- Mal de Mer
- Julia Massey & the Five Finger Discount
- Mopsey
- Mulder It’s Me
- The Navins
- Steve Nehrenberg
- Mark Nichols
- NightPulse
- Nijlpaard
- No Crown
- The Nova Boys
- Observer Effect
- Yu Seok Oh
- Ol’ Doris
- Eric Dex Olson
- Orca Team
- Outlaws & Silver Stars
- Mike Pack
- Paper Nova
- Patrick Galactic
- The Past Impending
- Irene Peña
- Peter and the Tribe
- Pilot to Bombardier
- Pity Kiss
- Plan B
- Pony Time
- Post Adolescence
- Power Cowards
- The Professors
- The Psychotronics
- Pukesnake
- The Pytons
- Corinna Quilliam
- Jacqueline Quirk
- Radio Nationals
- Radio Romance
- Radio Telescope
- Raisio
- The Riffbrokers
- The Ripple Effect
- Rogue Pinay
- Roxbury Pound
- Safeword Sasquatch
- Sam Cobra
- Scholtz
- Shapes + Faces
- Lenore Sharpe
- Allison Shirk
- Shower Scum
- Mike Sievers
- Paul Simpson
- Meghan Sinoff
- Sky Penis
- The Slags
- Smiley Faces
- Chris Smith
- The Snubs
- Some Child
- South Sound Bureau Chiefs
- South Jackson
- Space Coyote
- Special Guests
- Special Vices
- Spinster
- Squirt
- Stereo Creeps
- Stranded Sullivan
- Strap On Halo
- Stucky Jackson & The Boys
- Subways on the Sun
- Suitcase
- Surf The Pines
- Terrasone
- Test 1-2-3
- This Definite Sky
- Thundergun
- Timbre Barons
- Tochigi
- Kathleen Tracy
- Transient Songs
- Trees & Timber
- Twink The Wonder Kid
- The Ugly Cousin Brothers
- Stacey Unck
- Uncle Lord
- Unite-One
- Shaudi Vahdat
- Wandering King
- Warren Dunes
- We Are Not Mel Tormé
- Wes Sp8 & The Apollo Proxy
- Brad Westmoreland
- Whoopsie Daisies
- Leanne Wilkins & The Weathered
- Winning Hard
- Wolftone
- Wren
- Wuhlux
- Brenda Xu
- Year of the Cobra
- Zariah